8 research outputs found

    Kontroversität und Wissenschaftlichkeit in Materialien und Vorgaben für die sozioökonomische Bildung (KoWiMa)

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    Um die politisch-ökonomische Bildung an Schulen wird seit längerem gestritten. Fraglich ist, ob die curricularen Vorgaben (Lehrpläne) und Lehr-Lern-Materialien (Schulbücher und Materialien externer Anbieter) relevante aktuelle Entwicklungen und den Stand der Wissenschaft angemessen berücksichtigen und ob sie insgesamt hinreichend wissenschaftlich wie auch wirtschafts- und sozialpolitisch kontrovers sind. Die Studie trägt zur Forschung und zur didaktischen Arbeit an Schulen und Universitäten dadurch bei, dass sie den angemessenen Wissenschaftsbezug und die Gewährleistung von Kontroversität erstmalig massentextanalytisch bearbeitet hat. Sie hat empirisches Material in einer bislang unbekannten Breite analysieren können (103 Lehrpläne, 26 Schulkapitel und 1.598 externe Unterrichtsmaterialien). Im Abgleich mit einem sozialwissenschaftlichen Referenzkorpus (52 Einführungen und Sammelbände) konnten erhebliche Defizite im Wissenschaftsbezug und bei der Gewährleistung der Kontroversität wie auch ein erheblicher didaktischer Nationalismus identifiziert werden. Im Umgang mit den genannten Defiziten in den Lehr-Lern-Materialien entwickelt die Studie die Einführung eines konkreten Lernmoduls in der Lehramtsausbildung, mit dem die Anforderungen an Wissenschaftsbezug und Kontroversität exemplarisch eingeübt und vertieft werden. Die Studie entwickelt zudem institutionelle Anforderungen an eine innovative Curriculumrevision.Political and economic education in schools has long been a bone of contention. It is questionable whether the curricular guidelines and teaching-learning materials (school books and materials from external providers) adequately take into account relevant current developments and the state of the art in social science, and whether they are sufficiently controversial in representing science and politics. The study contributes to current research and to didactic work at schools and universities by addressing the fit of reference to social science and the ensuring of controversy through mass text analysis for the first time. It has been able to analyse empirical material in a hitherto unknown breadth (103 curricula, 26 school book chapters and 1,598 external teaching materials). In a comparison with a corpus of social science references (52 textbooks and anthologies), considerable deficits could be identified in relation to the adequate representation of scientific knowledge as well as in safeguarding controversy. In addition, a considerable didactic nationalism has been detected

    First analysis of rotational ground motion recordings in the West-Bohemia/Vogtland region

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    We present first data examples and an estimation of the magnitude of completeness for two BlueSeis-3A rotational seismometers deployed in the West-Bohemia/Vogtland region. The sensors show a surprisingly good sensitivity even for low magnitude events. In seven months, the "Seismologie-Verbund zur Erdbebenbeobachtung in Mitteldeutschland" reported 521 events occurring within a distance of up to 30 km. Based on the signal-noise-ratio, we estimate a magnitude of completeness around a local magnitude of 0.3 for the rotational sensors compared to the completeness of the catalog of -0.7. Moreover, we found that the transversal translation corresponds well to the vertical rotational component for a phase velocity of 2000 m/s and frequencies of 10 to 20 Hz. The data are intended to complement waveform inversions for seismic moment tensors. The study area is characterized by recurring seismic swarms, which are presumably driven by the migration of mantle fluids through the crust. In order to better understand the role of fluids in the earthquake mechanim a good resolution of the non-double-couple (i.e. volumetric and tensile) components of the seismic moment tensor is needed. In that regard, adding rotational data to the inversion has been shown beneficial in synthetic studies. The acquired data will present one of the first examples using field data to invert waveforms for the full seismic moment tensor.poste

    Intravenous and tablet formulation of posaconazole in antifungal therapy and prophylaxis: A retrospective, non-interventional, multicenter analysis of hematological patients treated in tertiary-care hospitals

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    Objectives: Novel formulations (gastro-resistant tablet and intravenous solution) of posaconazole (POS) have been approved in prophylaxis and therapy of invasive fungal diseases (IFDs). Study aim was to analyze treatment strategies and clinical effectiveness. Methods: We set up a web-based registry on www.ClinicalSurveys.net for documentation of comprehensive data of patients who received novel POS formulations. Data analysis was split into two groups of patients who received novel POS formulations for antifungal prophylaxis (posaconazole prophylaxis group) and antifungal therapy (posaconazole therapy group), respectively. Results: Overall, 180 patients (151 in the posaconazole prophylaxis group and 29 in the posaconazole therapy group) from six German tertiary care centers and hospitalized between 05/2014 - 03/2016 were observed. Median age was 58 years (range: 19 - 77 years) and the most common risk factor for IFD was chemotherapy (n = 136; 76%). In the posaconazole prophylaxis group and posaconazole therapy group, median POS serum levels at steady-state were 1,068 mu g/L (IQR 573-1,498 mu g/L) and 904 mu g/L (IQR 728-1,550 mu g/L), respectively (P = 0.776). During antifungal prophylaxis with POS, nine (6%) probable/proven fungal breakthroughs were reported and overall survival rate of hospitalization was 86%. The median overall duration of POS therapy was 18 days (IQR: 7 - 23 days). Fourteen patients (48%) had progressive IFD under POS therapy, of these five patients (36%) died related to or likely related to IFD. Conclusions: Our study demonstrates clinical effectiveness of antifungal prophylaxis with novel POS formulations. In patients treated for possible/probable/proven IFD, we observed considerable mortality in patients receiving salvage treatment and with infections due to rare fungal species. (C) 2019 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of International Society for Infectious Diseases

    Inklusion im Rahmen von Schule - eine Aufgabe, viele Möglichkeiten. Ein Sammelband von Studierenden der Universität Osnabrück

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    Seit fast 10 Jahren gilt in Deutschland die UN-Konvention über die Rechte von Menschen mit Behinderungen und somit die Inklusion von Menschen mit Behinderungen in allen Lebensbereichen. Daraus ergibt sich insbesondere für das System Schule eine große Aufgabe, aber auch viele Möglichkeiten für alle Beteiligten. Die von Lehramtsstudierenden der Universität Osnabrück in diesem Band gesammelten Forschungsbeiträge beschäftigen sich empirisch mit der Umsetzung von Inklusion aus der Perspektive unterschiedlicher Akteurinnen und Akteure. Sie sind das Ergebnis eines von Peter große Prues geleiteten inklusionspädagogischen Seminars aus dem Wintersemester 2017/18

    π-Conjugation and Endgroup Effects in Long Cumulenes: Raman Spectroscopy and DFT Calculations

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    We have investigated the structure and spectroscopic properties of cumulenic carbon chains, focusing on the peculiar π-conjugation properties and end-group ef- fects that influence their behavior. With support from Density Functional Theory (DFT) calculations, we have analyzed the IR and Raman spectra of cumulenes char- acterized by different endcapping groups and we have related it to the bond length alternation (BLA) pattern and local spectroscopic parameters associated to the CC bonds along the sp-carbon chain. For cumulenes we observe a breakdown of the correlation existing in polyynes among frequencies, Raman intensities of the R line (longitudinal CC stretching modes), and BLA. While the low R line frequency and equalized CC bonds would indicate the ”metallic” character of cumulenic species, we obtain an unusually strong Raman intensity, which is typical of bond-alternated (semiconductive) structures. DFT calculations reveal that this is a consequence of π-electron conjugation, which markedly extends from the sp-carbon chain to the aryl rings belonging to the endgroups. These findings suggest the existence of a strong electronic, vibrational and structural coupling between sp-carbon chains and sp2-carbon species, which could play a key role in nanostructured sp/sp2-hybrid carbon materials (e.g., linear carbon chains coupled to graphene domains). Within this context, Raman spectroscopy is a valuable tool for the detailed characterization of the molecular properties of this kind of materials

    The IceCube Neutrino Observatory, the Pierre Auger Observatory and the Telescope Array : Joint Contribution to the 35th International Cosmic Ray Conference (ICRC 2017)

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